Erlang mode %% -*- mode: erlang; erlang-indent-level: 2 -*- %%% Created : 7 May 2012 by mats cronqvist <> %% @doc %% Demonstrates how to print a record. %% @end -module('ex'). -author('mats cronqvist'). -export([demo/0, rec_info/1]). -record(demo,{a="One",b="Two",c="Three",d="Four"}). rec_info(demo) -> record_info(fields,demo). demo() -> expand_recs(?MODULE,#demo{a="A",b="BB"}). expand_recs(M,List) when is_list(List) -> [expand_recs(M,L)||L<-List]; expand_recs(M,Tup) when is_tuple(Tup) -> case tuple_size(Tup) of L when L < 1 -> Tup; L -> try Fields = M:rec_info(element(1,Tup)), L = length(Fields)+1, lists:zip(Fields,expand_recs(M,tl(tuple_to_list(Tup)))) catch _:_ -> list_to_tuple(expand_recs(M,tuple_to_list(Tup))) end end; expand_recs(_,Term) -> Term. MIME types defined: text/x-erlang.