Unlicensed copy of the Froala Editor. Use it legally by purchasing a license.

RTL LTR Direction Buttons

Custom buttons for RTL and LTR to change direction for the current selection.

Old Clock

The rich text editor has full RTL support. Set the direction option to rtl and writing in Arabic or Farsi will feel naturally.

Aenean sed hendrerit velit. Nullam eu mi dolor. Maecenas et erat risus. Nulla ac auctor diam, non aliquet ante. Fusce ullamcorper, ipsum id tempor lacinia, sem tellus malesuada libero, quis ornare sem massa in orci. Sed dictum dictum tristique. Proin eros turpis, ultricies eu sapien eget, ornare rutrum ipsum. Pellentesque eros nisl, ornare nec ipsum sed, aliquet sollicitudin erat. Nulla tincidunt porta vehicula.

testing rtlrtltesting rtlrtl
testing rtlrtltesting rtlrtl